It is no coincidence that after a few years we met again the team that one day we had worked together at Sun Microsystems. At that time, it was a newcomer company with fresh air that encouraged employees to get up in the morning to go to work. I remember those years with admiration: every day was to grow professionally. The market recognized the job well done and now seen in perspective, it was great.
The Californian air of the company was contagious to us. Collaboration between teams from different geographies generated a safety when working stimulating the growth and the illusion in each project. And about of the team what can I explain? in fact, I’m sure that Boot Systems was created thanks to the team.
Years went by and each one took its own path, learning and gaining experience in different companies. After a while, fate made some of us meet again and consider the efficiency of that group we had been. And as a result of that reunion, the illusion and conviction founded Boot Systems in 2009 with a very clear goal: we had to share the technological knowledge with the market to help customers grow their business
And so it has been.